Sunday, July 30, 2006

Easton and CCM, in Copper and Blue

Item: complete set of hockey equipment (except skates)
Price: $560
Suck or Not: Not! And if anyone says otherwise I'll drop them with a crosscheck to the skull!

Details: So when I was home in Edmonton last week, I took advantage of the mid-summer hockey sale at Sport Check to load up on sweet gear for a fraction of what I'd pay in Boston. My needs were indeed dire...I've been using the same equipment (except for gloves and skates) for the last 13 years, a feat which was made possible by my overprotective parents who bought my last set of stuff about 6 sizes too big so I'd be "protected." I guess nobody ever explained the tradeoff between armour and mobility to them. But anyway, the gear was worn out and it was time to modernize!

So I walked into the Sherwood Park Sport Check in the lovely Sherwood Park Mall, eventually found a sales guy, and secured a 10% discount because I told him I needed "uhh, everything." Modern equipment is about 50% lighter and 80% more protective than my old stuff, and I loaded up on semi-high-end gear (last year's models!) for only $560!!! Just for comparison, the current models which weren't on sale would have cost me about $700...I even got some Oilers socks and an Oilers-coloured helmet. Bring on the MIT frat boys!!!!!!


Blogger Lori said...

As a hockey mom I can attest to the quality and durability of Easton equipment - with the exception of composite sticks, which my 16yo son seems to go through like popsicle sticks! I tend to do all my hockey shopping online, however, and have learned to check sites often for sales which can be HUGE! Esp Hockeygiant. What's better than quality hockey gear on sale? lol Enjoy your gear!

10:44 p.m.  
Blogger Dexter said...

I agree about the composite sticks...I've borrowed them from friends just to try out, and they're great, but people seem to go through at least 4-5 per season. My trusty Sherwood has been with me for 3 seasons, at a cost of $10 per season! :)

By the way, I had a look at your blog, and it's very always get new and surprising perspectives on how other people see your country when you leave home. For example, I've probably had 10 people (many of them well-educated graduate students) tell me that Canada shares the blame for September 11 since "some of the hijackers came in through the Canada-US border." Each time I try to explain that this isn't the case, and that the US government has specifically said this isn't true, but lately I've been reverting to "remove your head at least partially from your ass before you make accusations like that."

6:58 a.m.  

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