Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Chia Pet Disguise

The following is a guest post from BelieveITorNot8.

What I Bought: A Haircut
Cost: $8.29
Suck or Not: Suck
Details: I went to my regular mall hair cut joint. Some people pooh-pooh these places, preferring to lay down a thick wad of bills for their haute couture coiffures. Being frugal, I go to the mall. I'm happy with the cuts that my regular lady gives. But today I found out that she was in a car accident and wouldn't be back for months (more on that later). So I chose the next available stylist. Bad idea. Clearly green, she asked one of the other stylists what size clipper attachments to use on which part of my head. That should have been my cue to fake that my phone was vibrating and get the hell out of there. I decided to give her a chance; after all we've all got to start somewhere in our careers. Unfortuntately for me, I wear thick glasses and am blind as a bat without them. And all stylists have me take off my glasses. So there I was, in the chair, blissfully blurry-eyed. She, the rookie, diligently and methodically snip snipping away. After quite a while of snipping, she proclaimed she was done. I put on my glasses and woah... For pretty much my entire head, all the hairs were exactly and uniformly 1 inch long... I guess for some stylists, this would be perhaps a feat, a triumph(?), a display of scissorial mastery. For me, I felt I looked like Chia Pet. I choked out a "Thank-you it looks fine" and paid her. Even tipped her. I'm such a softie.

By the way, I was alarmed that my normal stylist was in a car accident, one that apparently was bad enough to warrant an absence from work for months. Turns out she's almost fine and is convalescing on the insurance companies dime while studying for her Nursing finals. Hmmm.

(Editorial comment: one time I got my hair cut by an obviously-pissed-off-at-the-world Vietnamese woman in Ottawa...I came out with 5mm of hair, but I felt thankful that I only asked her to cut it "kind of short" as opposed to "short". I also tipped her, but it was more out of fear than pity. Suck.)


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