Monday, February 06, 2006


What I Bought: 6 months of education at MIT
Cost: $100, although I keep getting nasty emails telling me that it's actually $18,563.98
Suck or Not: Indeterminate.
Details: Okay, I agree that $100 isn't THAT much to spend on a half-year of school. But that being said, there are lots of other things that I could have bought for the same money. Like a pair of Mike's cross-trainers, or 4.5 hockey sticks on sale at City Sports, or 3 copies of The Family Guy Volume 3 DVD. Or I could have bought something nice for the girlfriend, which would have made her happy and probably gotten me a nice little kiss in exchange. Also, my office is covered in a thick layer of dust and smells like old bananas mixed with onion bagels and Frosted Flakes. I'm not 100% sure, but this may be because the other guy in my office uses our filing cabinet to store old bananas, onion bagels, and Frosted Flakes. I'll keep you posted. Anyway, this could turn out to be a great purchase (if the onion bagels mysteriously "disappear") or an incredibly sucky purchase (if my officemate takes a liking to blue cheese). Only time will tell.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like the fourth (and last) option best. But I guess the first option (what you actually did spend the money on) is a whole lot more practical, if you want to be that way...

-604 no more

5:26 p.m.  
Blogger Dexter said...

Well hopefully MIT will decide to give me a paycheque someday soon, then I can afford to buy you something nice too! :)

8:32 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How do I post items?

With my meager junior IT guy salary, I can't afford to buy too many things but some of my purchases have sucked quite badly and I'd like to warn others.


4:24 a.m.  
Blogger Dexter said...

BelieveITorNot8: if you want to post items, you can email the post to me at I'll put them on the site for you (subject to editorial review) :)

9:04 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok. Sent one. By the way, I think you should change your tag line from "Some things suck, while others don't" to "Some things suck, while others do not". Just a tiny change but it sounds better when read after the title of the blog.

4:09 a.m.  

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